It began with an innocent request or so Dom thought when he was 10 years old ~~ fast forward to 15 year of age  dom contaed over 158 bikes thisyear to those indeed and is looking to expand   Enju the article and below is just a lil backstory  of Dom.

More importantly, by the end of 2020, with more money saved up, I told my mom I had a goal to buy brand new bikes and donate them to people in need. The first year we donated six bikes, then nine in 2021, and 27 in 2022.

In December 2023, during the holidays, we donated a total of 121 brand new bikes. That was the most impactful day for me, so far. I woke up and took a couple minutes to reflect on the fact that 121 people were getting brand new bikes. I was incredibly grateful.

Word of mouth grew in my community, and in May 2021, I found a small one-car garage that was big enough for me to work on bikes. At the suggestion of a community member, I began to transition DFB into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.